Saturday, 28 December 2013

Seeping Massacre - Follow Up

I thought it would be interesting to write a follow up and share the feedback I got from that story.  So often you enter a competition and never know what the people judging your work thought of it.  I also thought I'd write a little about the story, and how the intent and the feedback aligned.


The short sentences and clipped writing made the story feel more frantic and all the actions more rushed. The descriptive writing used for the music playing almost makes the reader able to hear and feel it pulsing through the page.

The protagonist is engaging and evokes much empathy. Sensory details are effective. The ending is unexpected.

Nice comments to hear - I am glad that that I managed to convey the feeling I was going for!


Who is the protagonist? Give a few descriptions, like how big or tall they are as it helps or hinders them fight through the crowd, etc.

It's written in the second person - You are the protagonist in this story! :)  I knew that writing in the second person would be a gamble, as it's fairly unused.  Most stories are first or third person.  Still I am surprised that the "you" didn't give it away! ;)

For more impact, it could seem as though pulling the breaker solves the problem, but then the band starts playing again. The gargoyle she touches could animate for an added fright. I think the story would be more compelling written in first person.

I think that this could work for added impact - but unfortunately I don't think it would have fitted within the word limit without losing something else.  Without a word limit, it could certainly be expanded on.
It's funny in this comment that again, writing in the second person wasn't liked, however the judge refers to the protagonist as "she"; perhaps they did read it as them performing the actions?  Would they have found it as creepy if they were reading about someone else doing these things?

Overall I was happy with this story; I've never tried to write in the horror genre before, but it was good fun.  

I took a gamble with the second person narrative, as it is uncommonly used in literature, and therefore unfamiliar to readers.
Despite the judges not liking it, I don't think I would change it to first (or third) person if I were to do it again, because I feel that it is far more unsettling for you to take the place of the protagonist and be dragged along for a ride beyond your control than to read about someone else taking that journey.

I got 8 points for this effort, which was fairly high up the rankings, so I was very happy with that!

Unfortunately not enough to get through to the next round, but I finished 13th overall in my group, so I think I didn't do that badly!

It's certainly been a challenge and I have learned more about writing, keeping things concise (word limits really do help you to cut out any extraneous text!) and about potential audiences differences in taste.  :)  
It's also given me a few ideas for short stories going forward... perhaps I shall write some more soon!

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